
Welcome to the Slant Six Forum. This forum is for Slant Six and "A" body fans. Whether you are a Slant Six racer or own a "stocker", this is the place to find Slant Six technical info. You may post questions and answers here. You may also post For Sale and Wanted ads. I would like to get articles that people have written and post them here also. If you have submitted articles to the Slant Six Club or other publications, please send them here as well.

Our Mission: To provide the best Slant Six technical and high performance information for the benefit and enjoyment of the Slant Six community.

Read the FAQ (use button on top of new forum screen) and see the "How to use this board" forum for tips and info.



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Chuck Rivers
Doug Dutra
Technical Advisor
Slant Six guru extraordinaire

All articles and logos copyright © 2000-2020, Aardvark Computer Solutions except where noted.

Disclaimer: The information presented in this forum is the express opinion of the individuals and is not to be construed as an endorsement by the moderators of this board of any particular product or procedure. Do your own research before making modifications to your car that may have safety or reliability issues.